BAC 2024


Hand ball



15/09 Watch this video about rules and you will have a short test on the equipment (click here)

Hand Ball equipment Test.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 487.3 KB



7/01 We will discuss those training concepts in class


 3/12 we will analyse muscles contractions in different exercises


26/11 Learn basics about energy here (scroll to the bottom of the page)


19/11 Learn basics about blood circulation here (go to the bottom of the page) and more details if you're very interested.

Be ready for session number 2, we will do the 3 sets for each exercise !!


12/11 It's time to start fitness. Revise muscles in this video and in this document.

We will do HIIT sessions this year.

Check what is HIIT here (read only two forms of HIIT, when should HIIT training be used, and home HIIT workout (that's the session we will do in class))