
Objectives of the year

The main objective of the year is to use your oral skills in English to become as independent as possible.


     To achieve this, we will continue the job started in seconde, and, in addition, you'll have to frequently take the lead of a group or the whole class to manage activities.

     You will have to use general and specific vocabulary and knowledge about sports.


     Since the best way to improve your oral skills is to practise, we'll have an international activity, wich can be a trip, an exchange... But, the school is not a travel agency. That's why you'll have to take an active part in the preparation, management and conclusion of this project.



The 3 secrets to improve your English :


     - be interested in what you do (English and sport, be curious and open-minded)


     - take the time to learn (cultural facts, details) and acquire new knowledge.


     - you're the only one who can really do something for yourself. Teachers, friends, parents can help you, but ultimately, it's all up to you -- and you have to be ready to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goals.



At the end of the year, you're not allowed to quit.